
"Are you from YouTube?" asks a boy.
"Are you wearing a disguise?" says the boy's little brother.

John Green is the author of three bestselling young adult novels: Looking For Alaska, An Abundance of Katherines, and Paper Towns. He lives in Indiana.

Hank Green is the founder of EcoGeek, a website about environmental technology; he is also a musician and the founder of DFTBA Records, which works with famous YouTube musicians. He lives in Montana.

John and Hank Green are brothers who needed some way to stay in contact with each other. So two years ago, they began a YouTube account and called it vlogbrothers. They created a challenge called Brotherhood 2.0: their challenge was to create a vlog every day for a year in response to each other and to keep it under four minutes. During that year, they were forbidden to communicate with each other textually. If one failed to post a vlog, then the other would choose a punishment for him. This is still the basic format they use, although they don't post every day anymore, and they have added a few extra elements. John does Question Tuesdays, and Hank does song Wednesdays.

first Brotherhood 2.0 vlog, in which Hank explains the rules:

last Brotherhood 2.0 vlog, in which John discusses siblinghood and nerdfighteria:

most recent vlog, in which Hank discusses what he is thankful for:

I think that vlogging is a great way to stay in contact with people. Now that we have the technology to communicate via video, and now that it is convenient, we should use it. Video, as a medium, goes so much farther than photography as a means of portraying information and memories. Vlogging back and forth is a great way to share those memories with someone you love.

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