
The NeoCube is interesting. It's a bunch of strong little spherical magnets that stick together and form gemoetric shapes. Or any other shape you can come up with. 


 The cube (the small one, they sell a large one too) begins with 6x6x6 dimensions, then can be rearranged to make other 3D shapes, or can be folded out and rearranged to make 2D shapes.

This looks like it would be a ton of fun to play with. I guess I can't speak for everyone, but on the whole, magnets are interesting. Probably everyone would enjoy having a NeoCube to play with. And it would be good for more than just passive fiddling.
It could be used as:

a stress-reliever for overworked people - having something to fidget with often helps relieve stress.

a tool for teaching geometry to students. The cube forms geometric shapes easily, and having the student make the shape himself would teach him through application, which is often the quickest and best way to teach. It would be hard to teach a 3D concept with just a 2D book.

a creative outlet. Some people aren't good at drawing or making music, but they still need some form of creative stimulation. Everybody's brain has a right hemisphere, and it needs to be used. Coming up with shapes and patterns exercises the creative half of the brain.

The NeoCube advertises itself as the "future of puzzles" but I think it could be so much more than that. They just need a better website and a better way to advertise, because right now, the website looks like it was from the 90's.

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