
YouTube is full of musicians, just waiting to be heard, promoted, and made infamous.
But as Marshall McLuhan says, "the medium is the message."
Tons of YouTube musicians record covers and original songs, but there's a new format that seems to be taking hold: VideoSongs.

A VideoSong is "a new medium with 2 rules:
1. What you see is what you hear (no lip-syncing for instruments or voice).
2. If you hear it, at some point you see it (no hidden sounds)."
- according to YouTube musician Jack Conte, who presumably created the medium.

The VideoSong is a great medium because it allows the viewer feel participatory with the musician. They get to see everything that goes into a song. This is also a great way for musicians to learn from each other. Jack Conte's style, like that of many others, is heavily based on found objects and playing conventional instruments unconventionally.

But Jack Conte's VideoSongs don't just sound great, they also look great. He clearly puts a great amount of effort into making them visually stunning, which they are. He uses professional software and equipment, and he is trained in video production. His videos show just as much creativity as his songs do, and the VideoSong is a great way to display both.

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