
I was running around on Flickr one fine day, and I came across a brilliant photographer called Teppo. He's currently doing a project called 365, in which he takes a photo every day. I think this is a brilliant way to stretch oneself as a photographer. It's always good to get as much practice in as possible, and doing something daily is a great way to stay dedicated to that practice.

So I looked into the 365 project a little more and found a website that has that as the premise. It's called Dailybooth. But it's a little bit different than Teppo's project. It is designed so that users take one photo a day in order to see how they have changed over an amount of time.

But of course, as with almost all technology, it's never used entirely how it's intended to be. Several Dailybooth users use the website as a creative photography outlet, where they can get feedback from a real community. Dailybooth is large enough that there is a big enough crowd of viewers and commenters, but small enough that everyone is fairly connected with everyone else.

Dailybooth is a social photography site based on the idea of a daily photo, which originated with Teppo. This sort of daily photo project can be done for several reasons: to preserve history and nostalgia, and to improve as a photographer.

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