On Projects

Teppo Moisio of Helsinki Finland
is quite an influential photographer.

Not only did he start the 365 project, which led to the creation of Dailybooth, which was mentioned in an earlier entry; but he also started the 100 Strangers Project, which has grown into a rather popular trend among aspiring photographers and photojournalists.

The 100 Strangers Project has its own website, where people can post their photos and progress in their own attempts at the 100 Strangers Project.

I keep seeing projects like this popping up, which leads me to believe this is a new trend. And I think it's one that will stick. Projects are a great way to keep yourself focused on something you are really interested in, and they are a great way to stay dedicated to something. I believe projects will stick because of the growing digital industry (New Media and such). It needs people who are dedicated and passionate about what they're doing, and a great way for a person to show their dedication and passion is to do a project about it. Also, projects are a great way to learn and exercise curiosity in an area. This is also vital to the future of the digital industry.

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